Welcome to CBcentral - our way of  providing information with each other so that we can stay connected.

  • Need a person's contact info? You can check the directory link. Only adults will show and you do need to know their name.
  • Need to know which service you are volunteering at? You can check the Roster link.
  • Want to know how you can join us in serving or want to know what areas we are looking for more team members? You can check out our volunteer opportunities tab.
  • Want to know what is happening next at Crossbridge? Check out the calendar link.
  • Have an idea for an event that you want Crossbridge to be a part of? Let us know by fillling out our Event Request Form.

We hope CBcentral is a tool that provides you with the information you need to feel a part of the Crossbridge family. Please check out the links in the toolbar above to start navigating CBcentral.  If you need help or need a password (some areas are restricted to volunteers or leaders), contact Becky@crossbridgecc.org and she will be glad to help you.